It can be so hard to hold on to our self, hope and ground when difficult, unexpected or unwanted things happen—especially if we don’t know when or how they will be resolved. 

Even just change and transition on its own can be unsettling and cause anxiety as we move out of a known comfort. 

What can we do in the moment when things are uncertain? 

According to trauma expert Peter Levine, the social engagement part of our nervous system is the prime doorway to reset when overwhelmed. If we can connect with a caring presence we will start to feel safe and cared for—which are the keys to a happy nervous system. 

Fortunately, you are uniquely positioned to be the perfect presence that you are needing here. 

Begin here to access it…..
Start by placing a hand on your heart and belly 

Take three slow-ish breaths 

Offer: (out loud if you like) 

Something about this moment is difficult

Its okay, there is space for any feelings

I love you

I love you no matter what happens or is happening 

I see your goodness, I feel your goodness

Your goodness is not dependent on what happens in the outside world

The goodness of the outside world doesn’t depend on what happens even if it feels hard

I am here with you and I care

Notice what happens next and if there are any shifts—even tiny ones! take another three breaths to allow the nervous system to register this change

It is a radical act to go in rather than out when things get hard—it is also the best thing we can do. If we pin our sense of well-being on something external that we can not control our anxiety will spike, if we look for it in the only thing we do have some control over—our own presence, our system can settle.

From there we can reconnect with the intuition, resilience, clarity and self-compassion we need to best navigate whatever comes next. 


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